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Thursday 8 January 2015


Hello again,

I have rather sucked at keeping this up, haven't I?

Picture From Here
Well, this is on my list of New Year's Resolutions. Among drinking more water, and not worrying so much about what other people will think, and paying more attention to my creative side, and trying to create new friendships and stimulate old ones, lies the idea of being more active on social media. That means posting more on Twitter and Instagram, rather than just idly flicking through the feeds. (Also I read somewhere that having multiple goals for a year is more effective than just having one or two, so I'm giving that a go as well.)

It also means keeping my lovely little blog up to date.

So, in the spirit of the whole "new year, new you" concept, you got a facelift (and a nice one, if I do say so myself), and a new name, which I'm much happier with, and now, you'll be getting more posts. So get ready, 2015. We're going to hit it and (hopefully) not quit it!

And would somebody please, just as insurance that I don't fall off the wagon again, yell at me if I don't post at least once per week? Seriously. Just do it. Send me angry emails or write angry comments or something.

I want to write to you all, I just get caught in the "I'll write that tomorrow" trap, and then all of a sudden it's January and I haven't written you since August.

I'm also re-doing the office in our house, so that will also create a great space for me to buckle down in. I intend to document it and I'll be posting the before/during/after photographs with a post about the whole thing on here!

What are your new years resolutions? Let me know in the comments!

All my love,

- A.