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Saturday 27 July 2013


Dear You,

Recently, while attempting to provide a disclaimer to a friend (Hi, Joe !!) regarding this blog, I realized something. I have published a total of five letters on the internet. Of those five letters, only one could be construed as remotely positive. I feel as though this gives off the vibe that I am not an entirely happy, positive person. I feel as though I may have led you to the belief that I am not, in fact, a little ray of sunshine, but am instead, a storm cloud. I am not a storm cloud... or a prostitute.

So, I made a decision. In the interest of getting to know one another better, and in the interest of proving that I am not a depressed and jaded individual, I am going to use this particular letter to ramble off some things that make me particularly happy on a day-to-day basis.

1) Flowers. It doesn't have to be any specific kind of flower, I like most all of 'em. I even keep a few bouquets of faux-flora in vases in my bedroom, just because I like them so much. I think it must be the colours. I also keep faux-flowers because dead plants make me a little sad. (Note to all future suitors: please don't give me real flowers. They die, and that makes me sad. Making me sad will not look well on you as far as your... suiting.)

2) Sunshine. I think this is pretty self-explanatory. It's also science, and that makes me feel pretty darned smart. I'm told (by scientists, naturally) that sunshine provides us (humans) with Vitamin D. An increase of Vitamin D in your system will make you feel happier naturally. That's why we, as people, get the "Winter Blahs" -- not enough Vitamin D! (But we all know that we get these "Winter Blahs" because winter actually really sucks, right? So cold, and drab, and snowy... okay, no more thinking about winter. It's August. Let's enjoy August.)

3) The stupid shit people post on the internet literally every day. It seems I find some gem almost daily that has me in stitches laughing. Websites like HelloGiggles and my Facebook feed (which provides ever-so-hysterical links to outside sources (ie. YouTube) help immensely. (See This, This, and also This for reference.)

4) Music. Particularly up-beat, funky music. I'll listen to almost anything (for instance, I was recently introduced to the concept of Ska. I have never listened to Ska before this week. I fucking love Ska. Where have you been all my life, Ska!?), and I find that whatever I'm listening to really effects my mood. If I'm not having a good day, I will (please don't hate me) throw some Katy Perry on, and dance it off. There is also no better workout motivation than some really disgusting, almost-annoying top-40 Pop. Suffice it to say that through the last few weeks, Ms. Perry has been basically on loop. The approximately $20 I paid for her two albums has been well worth it!

5) Ridiculous pictures. I have a tendency to only keep family photos that make me laugh for some reason. Somebody pulls a stupid face, gets caught talking, looks like he/she is really not with it... whatever the case may be. If I look at it, and it strikes me as funny, it goes in a frame, and gets placed somewhere in my bedroom. I think my favourite is still the picture of my maternal grandparents where my Grandmother looks adorable, and super sweet (AKA like her normal self... Hi Gram!! <3), and my Grandfather looks a bit like Mr. Clean's evil twin... and there's a good chance he may bite my Grandmother. I love this picture.... so much. That said, not all of the pictures I've kept are funny ones. I did hang on to a lot of fairly un-funny and typical pictures as well.

6) Cliché Alert: My family and friends. If you're reading this, and I know you in my offline-life in some respect... I love you. Having people around me who genuinely care about me, and about my well-being means the world to me. Each of member of my family, and each one of my friends, make my life what it is. If you have been my friend, and we're no longer in contact for whatever reason, know that you've made an impact on my life as well. I am a firm believer that each person who enters and exits your life, whatever their reason for it, does so to teach you a lesson, or to show you something you may not have otherwise seen. I am fortunate to have you in my life, and am grateful every day that you've been my friend, or that you are my relative. Also, I am including my cat in this group. My cat is basically my child. Deal with it.

7) Instagram. It's interesting how one little application can impact your life. Instagram allows me to see what my friends and family are up to, and to capture the small moments in each day that make me happy. Whether that's a meal that turned out awesome, something stupid my cat did (there are a LOT of cat pictures on my Instagram... just a warning.), or whatever made me smile that particular day.

Okay... I feel like 7 is a good place to stop. Maybe I'll keep doing these. I feel like it's good for me to remind myself of the things that are really, truly positive in my life, and it also allows you to see a bit into my life, and my personality, which you may not see otherwise.

Anyway, it's time for bed. There is a cat in my lap, and it is high time that I was in bed! I shall speak to you again soon.

Happily Yours,

- A.

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